Sunday, March 8, 2009


Today, I finally got around to trimming the 2" foam upon which the model will be built.
I wanted pink extruded foam which is apparently easy to find in some parts of the country. In my neck of the woods - impossible. After having several hardware store guys (including a friend of mine) stare at me like I had asked for the results of an alien autopsy, and visiting multiple stores, I decided that extruded foam must not be part of the building code in California. So, I went with insulation foam that I have used before. It crumbles a lot, but it will do.

I thought that I had plenty of Liquid Nails, but I am out. While the foam is trimmed and ready to go, it is not yet securely attached to the door. Maybe tomorrow or Tuesday.

This is the foam I am using.

The foam on the door from the end.
Close up of the foam on the door.

My kitten checking out the crumbled foam before I vacuumed.

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